Moving Furniture
Moving furniture... With the door slammed and locked behind me - I’d start the process... This ritual began when I was about the age of my granddaughter Virginia...who is five. (any of you who know Virginia - or follow Kendra on Facebook - get where I’m going...) With her same stubbornness and sass and my own self-righteous pouty-ness, I had found an outlet for my frustrations.
Mostly because I was in an argument with my cousin Bruna (same Bruna you know from the shop) and her sister Ria (who are more sisters than cousins) - I would lock myself in my bedroom and start moving furniture around the room. Keep in mind, I was young and tiny but I had somehow discovered my best, least hostile, way of getting my immediate circumstances to change was to change my surroundings.
Of course, I didn’t want Bruna and Ria to go anywhere, I just wanted to make sure the household knew I was dealing with the situation the best I knew how. My mom would say to Bruna and Ria, as she heard a dresser being pushed inch by inch across the bedroom floor, “What is she doing in there? “ “She is mad at us...”, Bruna’s response. “Hmmm...ok.” Mom’s rebuttal. After an hour or so - of pushing, shoving, manipulating...I’d remove a big piece of furniture from in front of my door (I never learned that the piece of furniture I used to fortress the door would eventually have to be moved - again.) - and I would re-enter the outside world. “You done?”, mom would say. Bruna and Ria accustomed to my oddities would be willing to pick-up right where we had left off prior to my melt-down. In a way, this lockdown we have all been in lately has reminded me of those days - long and short ago, when I would hide out in my bedroom in attempts to get my life under control. Moving anything I could to make life feel good - and fresh. With those memories in mind, it seems the perfect time to put every piece of furniture we have in the shop on sale. In kind of a big way.
Let’s say, 20% off one piece of furniture and 25% off two, 30% of three. Change your scenery...change the possibilities...start new. Moving furniture...starts today (by appointment anytime) or Friday and Saturday during shop hours 10am-4pm.